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SQ-7 is the 33-fader flagship console in the SQ series, powered by Allen & Heath’s revolutionary 96kHz XCVI FPGA engine. Created to excel in demanding scenarios such as AV, corporate events, live productions and houses of worship, SQ-7 offers pristine high-resolution audio quality and an ultra-low latency of 0.7ms. The console features 32 exceptional onboard mic preamps, plus 8 stereo FX engines with dedicated stereo return channels and access to the renowned Rack Extra FX library. SQ is a natural choice for in-ear monitor setups, providing 12 stereo mixes (configurable as groups or auxes), while Automatic Mic Mixing makes it an excellent choice for conferences, panel talks and more. Allen & Heath manufactures professional audio mixing consoles for an international clientele in the live sound, installed systems and nightclub markets.

Allen & Heath SQ Series 48-Channel / 36 Bus Digital Mixer (AH-SQ-7)


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